Simrat’s 6 Steps Formula
For Powerful Personal Style

01. Current Style Analysis.
01. Current Style Analysis.
First, we’ll get crystal clear on the personal style you’d like to have and your business, career and life goals. We'll analyze your current style, colours, body shape, and set some concrete goals as a starting point to build your powerful personal style.
02. Current Wardrobe Analysis
02. Current Wardrobe Analysis
This is your powerful style assessment. What works and what doesn't in your current wardrobe? We’ll analyze and maximize the pieces you have, everything from clothing and shoes to jewelry and accessories. This will help us identify what's missing to achieve your powerful personal style.
03. Your Style Treasure
03. Your Style Treasure
Step 3 will give you everything your powerful personal style will need for the future. I’ll create a style vision board and process to reveal your style personality and authentic self. You will be able to create outfit combinations that show your best qualities as well as align with your goals and how you'd like to be perceived. You will know how to leverage your style to communicate exactly what you want to say.
04. Shopping Like A Pro
04.Shopping Like A Pro
We’ll research, prepare, and create a smart shopping list for your powerful style. Every item will be ideal for your personality, body shape, and colour, and aligned with the image you want to present. You’ll also learn the ‘pro shopping mindset‘ as well as the style secrets that you need to know to achieve a polished look in minutes.
05. Adding “Spice”
05. Adding “Spice”
With step 5, we’ll go beyond choosing new clothes and building a desirable wardrobe. Your personal style will be truly enhanced once we add a little bit of “spice”. We’ll give your hair, makeup, and grooming the power to communicate that you’re an elegant woman without saying a word
06. Becoming Stylish Forever
06. Becoming Stylish Forever
The last step is to pull all outfits together to be able to create stylish looks forever. We’ll take your style and give you a simple formula to follow that will help you create your stylish looks fast and easy. With your style formula in your hands, you’ll never struggle to dress up in the morning. We'll also look at the finishing touches and mix matching to ensure that everything is presenting your best to the world, for a truly head to toe Powerful Personal Style.